目前分類:● CULTI 擴香 (18)

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CULTI香氛/擴香/香芬是由天然植物提煉而成的純正精油,再經百年複方專業經驗調配而成,其所散發出來的香酚讓人感受徜徉在原野花園裡,而瓶身的設計亦是一種簡潔自然的原始藝術設計,是視覺與嗅覺的雙重結合,將會帶給您全新的感官生活Culti擴香,因為是使用天然的原料,所以香味很天然清新,就算懷孕也用得安心,小寶貝也不擔心喔。Culti的擴香是全球赫赫有名的香氛品,國際巨星凱莉米洛Kylie Minogue也是它的愛用者,許多世界各地的精品旅館也都指定使用Culti擴香,號稱為擴香界的Prada啊!


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近年來大為流行擴散式的香氛,其原理是利用蘆葦桿來揮發玻璃瓶內香水,簡稱為擴香。義大利Culti古緹早在1990年,就跳脫傳統加熱揮發的方式,是第一個以蘆葦桿來傳遞香味的品牌。市面上類似的擴香也不少,究竟差別在哪?Culti的原理如同樹木體內的水分循環,所以特別選用氣孔多的蘆葦桿,要分辨蘆葦桿好壞,可仔細觀察剖面上的氣孔,氣孔越多效果越好,遠看類似,近看就能發現差別在此,另外蘆葦桿的大小會影響擴散效果,Culti因致力於此,才研發出最佳尺寸,當然香味也是關鍵,以檀香木、礦物麝香等中性自然香氣為主,味道相當溫和,500ml的容量,適用在10坪大的空間,凱莉米洛、德國足球明星比埃爾霍夫家裡一定要擺這品牌的擴香,好萊塢影星勞勃狄尼洛也是愛用者之一。很多品味極佳的精品旅館、飯店、SPA...都是使用Culti的擴香,杜拜Jumeirah Emirates Towers Hotel的總統套房或各大頂級SPA飯店幾乎都能見到這品牌的身影,Maison Moschino在米蘭開幕的Boutique Hotel內還重金打造Culti SPA館~曼谷四季酒店的lobby也是擴氣的擺了Culti擴香。

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Culti 擴香(香氛、香芬) - 居家香氛新寵(www.culti.com.tw)

近來大大流行的擴散式香氛,原理就是利用蘆葦桿來揮發玻璃瓶內香水,簡稱為擴香。義大利Culti早在1990年,就跳脫傳統加熱揮發的方式,是第一個以蘆葦桿來傳遞香味的品牌。市面上類似的擴香也不少,究竟差別在哪? Culti的原理如同樹木體內的水分循環,所以特別選用氣孔多的蘆葦桿,要分辨蘆葦桿好壞,可仔細觀察剖面上的氣孔,氣孔越多效果越好,遠看類似,近看就能發現差別在此,另外蘆葦桿的大小會影響擴散效果,Culti因致力於此,才研發出最佳尺寸,當然香味也是關鍵,以檀香木、礦物麝香等中性自然香氣為主,味道相當溫和,500ml的容量適用在10坪大的空間,澳洲性感歌后凱莉米洛(Kylie)與德國足球明星比埃爾霍夫家裡一定要擺Culti的擴香。

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CULTI 香氛/擴香/香芬是由天然植物提煉而成的純正精油,再經百年複方專業經驗調配而成,其所散發出來的香酚讓人感受徜徉在原野花園裡,而瓶身的設計亦是一種簡潔自然的原始藝術設計,是視覺與嗅覺的雙重結合,將會帶給您全新的感官生活Culti擴香,因為是使用天然的原料,所以香味很天然清新,就算懷孕也用得安心,小寶貝也不擔心喔。Culti的擴香是全球赫赫有名的香氛品,國際巨星凱莉米洛Kylie Minogue也是它的愛用者,許多世界各地的精品旅館也都指定使用Culti擴香,號稱為擴香界的Prada。義大利的Culti是全世界第一個創造香氛透過蘆葦桿的氣孔揮發香味的品牌,而它擴香的概念就是由樹木的呼吸作用而來,使用Culti擴香就像是在家中放置了盛開的鮮花,跟隨著空氣的流動散發香氣,又不須時常的照顧及更換花材,配上優雅的玻璃瓶造型,呈現簡單又精緻的風格。CULTI香氛簡介:義大利CULTI無燃概念古香氛,非常適合擺放在臥室、書房、客廳及辦公室等室內空間使用,無燃薰香的基本概念就是使用植物的芳香精油,利用[芳香]所蘊含的力量,維持身、心、靈三方面的平衡。由高雅的薰香瓶加上蘆葦桿巧妙配合,淡淡的清香釋放出芬多精,精選複方精油的搭配,結合成巧妙複雜的平衡狀態,產生極佳的效果與香味,絕對是您振奮精神又美化環境的最佳利器。

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The cult of Culti -- Culti’s fragance sticks It’s not easy to define Culti. This chic, multi-faceted company concentrates on home and wellbeing. From perfumes to loungewear and kitchen accessories, it focuses on everything that makes leisure more pleasurable, with an emphasis on minimalist design. Culti’s complete range of products is available at the household boutique on Corso Venezia in the centre of Milan.

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Culti這個品牌是由創意總監Alessandro Agrati1990年所創立品牌的精神是希望能創造出生活領域中創新及革命化的概念Culti這個名字代表了體現舒適美好的生活及有能力欣賞生活中的美好籍由Culti旗下豐富完整的商品滿足五種感官的感受無論是視覺聽覺嗅覺味覺及觸覺都能夠是毫無限制並發揮的淋漓盡致。Culti的概念及產品希望能夠與消費者緊緊相扣喚起五官更美好的感覺Culti是第一個創造香氛透過木枝的氣孔揮發香味的品牌早在1990Culti跳脫以往需要另外以火燒薰香或精油燈的方式揮發香氣這樣的香氛揮發的方式能夠讓香調自然的瀰漫在空氣中不但更為優雅美觀,也免除了潛伏的危險性在推出這樣的薰香法後受到了全世界居家品味人士的熱愛也引領了其他品牌的模仿是香氛界的重要創舉。

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Founder and creator of fragrant brand CULTI, Alessandro Agrati, has presented two new perfumes which arrives on the market in April 2009, inspired by energy of the Sun and strength of the Earth. Fragrances OWN Terraforte and Mediterranea arrive in glass bottles, coloured in red, with a black stopper and are accompanied with perfumed shower cream and rich body care milk. The perfumes are available as 50 and 100 ml EDP, while perfumed baths arrive as 75 ml and 200ml. Perfumed milk is also available in two sizes – 75 ml and 200 ml. Mediterranea is an exclusive combination of cedar, Sevilla bitter orange and ginger. The fragrances have rich and sophisticated texture with natural nuances and beautiful aromas.

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CULTI Room fragrance

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Founder and creator of fragrant brand CULTI, Alessandro Agrati, has presented two new perfumes which arrives on the market in April 2009, inspired by energy of the Sun and strength of the Earth. Fragrances OWN Terraforte and Mediterranea arrive in glass bottles, coloured in red, with a black stopper and are accompanied with perfumed shower cream and rich body care milk. The perfumes are available as 50 and 100 ml EDP, while perfumed baths arrive as 75 ml and 200ml. Perfumed milk is also available in two sizes – 75 ml and 200 ml. Mediterranea is an exclusive combination of cedar, Sevilla bitter orange and ginger. The fragrances have rich and sophisticated texture with natural nuances and beautiful aromas.

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Culti Culti has developed an uncommon and elegant lifestyle project especially for people who appreciate unique & excellent yet simple objects. Founded by Alessandro Agrati the Culti brand evokes a world of exquisite luxury, offering a multisensory experience through fine fragrances. We are welcoming two ranges to Amara, the Stile and Decor lines of fragrance diffuser in a variety of scents. Stile fragrance oil is encased in frosted glass bottles with jacquard fabric labels and hand turned wooden lids. Each of these beautiful fragrance diffusers has been exclusively made in Italy by carefully selected craftsmen. Exquisitely packaged in stylish decorative tins they make ideal luxury gift ideas for any occasion.

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New Luxury Home Fragrances from Culti。Culti has developed an uncommon and elegant lifestyle project especially for people who appreciate unique & excellent yet simple objects. Founded by Alessandro Agrati the Culti brand evokes a world of exquisite luxury, offering a multisensory experience through fine fragrances. We are welcoming two ranges to Amara, the Stile and Decor lines of fragrance diffuser in a variety of scents. Stile fragrance oil is encased in frosted glass bottles with jacquard fabric labels and hand turned wooden lids. Each of these beautiful fragrance diffusers has been exclusively made in Italy by carefully selected craftsmen. Exquisitely packaged in stylish decorative tins they make ideal luxury gift ideas for any occasion. 

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Perfumery is CULTI, and CULTI is perfumery. Ever since the brand was created twenty years ago by Alessandro Agrati, CULTI has made olfactory impulses into a lifestyle by allowing fragrances to be chosen according to personal preference. All fragrances are different, in fact, and each has its own character. They may be tailor-made to create the sensation you wish to produce and convey. Everything stems from a desire to bring people to the discovery of sensuality and well-being. What is the distinguishing feature of CULTI perfumes? Their olfactory structure is composed of a few simple elements blended together while bringing out each one individually through a method invented and kept ‘secret’ by Alessandro Agrati. It is no secret, however, that the quality of the products depends on the excellence of the raw materials, all of which are of extremely high quality and characteristic of the Mediterranean culture. The secret lies in carefully studying which materials to use and how to blend them to create pleasure, thus giving life to fragrances that are always subtle and never overpowering.

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CULTI 是全世界第一個創造香氛(擴香/香芬)透過蘆葦桿的氣孔揮發香味的義大利品牌,而它擴香的概念就是由樹木的呼吸作用而來,使用Culti擴香就像是在家中放置了盛開的鮮花,跟隨著空氣的流動散發香氣,又不須時常的照顧及更換花材,配上優雅的玻璃瓶造型,呈現簡單又精緻的風格。CULTI香氛簡介:義大利CULTI無燃概念古香氛,非常適合擺放在臥室、書房、客廳及辦公室等室內空間使用,無燃薰香的基本概念就是使用植物的芳香精油,利用[芳香]所蘊含的力量,維持身、心、靈三方面的平衡。由高雅的薰香瓶加上蘆葦桿巧妙配合,淡淡的清香釋放出芬多精,精選複方精油的搭配,結合成巧妙複雜的平衡狀態,產生極佳的效果與香味,絕對是您振奮精神又美化環境的最佳利器。

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義大利的【CULTI是全世界第一個創造香氛/擴香/香芬透過蘆葦桿的氣孔揮發香味的品牌,而它擴香的概念就是由樹木的呼吸作用而來,使用Culti擴香就像是在家中放置了盛開的鮮花,跟隨著空氣的流動散發香氣,又不須時常的照顧及更換花材,配上優雅的玻璃瓶造型,呈現簡單又精緻的風格。CULTI香氛簡介:義大利CULTI無燃概念古香氛,非常適合擺放在臥室、書房、客廳及辦公室等室內空間使用,無燃薰香的基本概念就是使用植物的芳香精油,利用[芳香]所蘊含的力量,維持身、心、靈三方面的平衡。由高雅的薰香瓶加上蘆葦桿巧妙配合,淡淡的清香釋放出芬多精,精選複方精油的搭配,結合成巧妙複雜的平衡狀態,產生極佳的效果與香味,絕對是您振奮精神又美化環境的最佳利器。CULTI香氛/擴香是由天然植物提煉而成的純正精油,再經百年複方專業經驗調配而成,其所散發出來的香酚讓人感受徜徉在原野花園裡,而瓶身的設計亦是一種簡潔自然的原始藝術設計,是視覺與嗅覺的雙重結合,將會帶給您全新的感官生活Culti擴香,因為是使用天然的原料,所以香味很天然清新,就算懷孕也用得安心,小寶貝也不擔心喔。Culti的擴香是全球赫赫有名的香氛品,國際巨星凱莉米洛Kylie Minogue也是它的愛用者,許多世界各地的精品旅館也都指定使用Culti擴香,號稱為擴香界的Prada啊!

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Home fragrance and candle Culti。The Culti concept, brainchild of Alessandro Agrati, is a design aesthetic that combines fashion, perfume, food and interiors in what Culti describe as a 'project of the senses'. Its aim is to appeal to our senses of smell, hearing, touch, sight and taste simultaneously, almost on a subconscious level. For a clearer appreciation of what this actually means, the fruits of Agrati's theory can be witnessed at the company's new hotel La Sommita Relais Culti in the southern Italian province of Puglia. Here luxury and a genuine sense of tranquillity combine in what is a restrained and beautifully peaceful habitat.Culti products materials are natural and colours are kept subtle and neutral for a calming and restful effect.

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