Since being fortunate enough to secure our prestigious Baxter account, we have created rooms with an eclectic and flamboyant elegance and the beauty of this collection is the leather upholstery. The Baxter leather collection is exceptionally diverse with a wide range of colours and finishes promoting one common denominator throughout - luxury. Within the Baxter collection, there are sofas, individual armchairs, beds, panelling, carpets, rugs, cushions, dining and side tables. Accessories include crystal hanging and floor standing chandeliers, wall and table lamps. There are also personal items such as wallets, key holders, golf bags, brief cases and a beautiful Voyager Box. Whilst some pieces are re-modelled on classic designs i.e. Chesterfields, there are new sofa models which are contemporary and all have been used in projects worldwide to create a luxurious setting. Please see the Baxter section of our website, there will most definitely be something to excite your imagination! Alternatively, you may call us to discuss your requirements further.
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