
Poltrona Frau 1912 年由創辦人Renzo Frau 所創立,揭開了Poltrona Frau 百年品牌的序幕,從創立至今,Poltrona Frau 堅持選用頂級皮革與延續獨有的傳統皮革打摺工藝技術,使得品牌精神歷久彌堅,成為大英博物館及歐洲共同議會指定座椅,而他們獨步全球的製皮技術,更獲得頂級跑車製造商 Ferrari Maserati 青睞,成為內裝皮椅所指定御用的皮革。能成功延續Poltrona Frau 的百年品牌精神在於,堅持每件家具全程只由一位工藝了得的老師傅打造,而家具的骨架則是採用硬度與韌性穩定度較高的歐洲山毛櫸實木。此外,皮革的部份皆由 Poltrona Frau 專屬的皮革實驗室所研發而成,目前 Poltrona Frau 的製皮技術擁有獨步全球的 20 項專利,所有的牛皮僅採用質地最柔軟與韌度最高的第一層皮。2003 年義大利Fiat 集團總裁Luca di Montezemolo 取得了Poltrona Frau 30% 股權開始,便展開了品牌重整計畫,直至 2006 年,Charme集團便與Poltrona Frau 共同產生了一個新的頂級義大利家具集團,除了原本的 Poltrona Frau 以外,旗下品牌另有知名的 Alias, Cappellini, Cassina 家具品牌。

How can you get several amazing Italian designers in your living room? You can send out invitations for your next cocktail party and hope for the best, or you might acquire something from Poltrona Frau, which turns 100 this year and has a penchant for collecting and putting to work some of the most outstanding Italian design talent in existence, including Paolo Rizzatto, Pieriluigi Cerri, Renzo Piano and Daniela Puppa. Two classics from Poltrona Frau's design archive that are still in production: the Fumoir sofa and 1919 armchair. © Poltrona Frau. Poltrona Frau was founded in 1912 by Sardinian-born Renzo Frau in Turin and by 1926 it was appointed the official furniture supplier to the Italian Royal House. The company was first known for their luxurious armchairs made with exceptional Italian leathers, and they have maintained that heritage today. Armchair and sofa models such as the 1919, Fumoir (for when you are smoking) and Vanity Fair were all created during the first years of the company’s existence and remain available in today’s Poltrona Frau catalogue.

Poltrona Frau's luxuriusly modern Regina II armchair, a 2009 design by Paolo Rizzatto. © Poltrona Frau. While leather armchairs and other furniture for the home and office are Poltrona Frau’s specialty, you might also find yourself sitting on their little masterpieces if you happen to be driving a Ferrari or seeing a show at an opera house in Europe or sitting in the European Parliament. Beginning in the 1980s Poltrona Frau was designing seating for the car Thema 8:32, powered by a Ferrari engine, and in 1998 the company upholstered Ferrari’s first standard run car with beautiful pale chestnut colored leathers.

Two variations of Poltrona Frau's Lola leather chair, designed in 1997 by Pierluigi Cerri. © Poltrona Frau.  And as if that were not enough, if you are ever seated in the Getty Museum or the Walt Disney concert hall in Los Angeles, you should know that Richard Meier and Frank O. Gehry respectively designed the Poltrona Frau chairs into which you are so comfortably nestled or onto which you are so elegantly poised. This is all to say that while Poltrona Frau has never had a problem with prestigious alliances, its longevity as a company is attributable to the quality of design and craftsmanship that continues to set it apart from competitors.





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