
Armchairs : between leisure and relaxation

Innovative materials and technologies in machining, specific colors and patterns: these are the distinctive features that make the chair a piece of furniture that can characterize the personality with the porch of our homes. In the selection of the chair should keep in mind that will fit harmoniously into the living room: Investments will make it plain so easily adaptable to any environment, but the size, which should be contained but not too small, will ensure the desired comfort . But the chair should especially ensure maximum comfort when we welcome after the hectic pace of the day. Just like the couch is synonymous with fitness and relaxation, it is intended for individual use and "private." Seat and back, then, must offer our bodies the ideal support for the observance.  It rushes bold and brave with his eyes bright. It is Polyphemus, the new chair sculpture designed by Simone Micheli for Adrenalina. A magical and evocative name, which brings to mind the terrifying character of Homer, in this case only eccentric traveling companion. An unusual assemblage of form and matter are one session of Polyphemus unusual but expressive, a pet totem that stands as a monument to the imagination, halfway between comfort and fun. The structure is steel and polyurethane foam, fabric melange mustard. The eye is composed of a LED battery powered. 
Thought flies free and designed new forms in the living space. Curves, supple lines, soft colors, fun chairs, comfortable and bizarre. Thus was born Softdream, thought form that becomes a product line of Rossi signed Albizzate.

Concrete proposals, functional solutions and original, featuring a style that is free to interpret and experience the padded naturally, at any time of day. This is what is proposed BPA International, a brand-conscious quality of the work and the rigor of the design.





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