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店名 代理品牌
1. 晴山美學館 http://www.ching-shang.com.tw/
02-271-99100 Amarni Casa, Flexform, E15, Matteograssi,
台北市南京東路326921 Limited Edition, Polifrom, COR
2. 御邸家具有限公司 http://www.udcasa.com.tw/
02-2507-0010 Fendi Casa
3. MOT CASA http://www.motstyle.com.tw/
02-2751-8088 TomDixon, Moooi, 天童木工, …
4. 清歡  
02-2532-5055 Minotti, Maxalto
5. 易雅居 http://www.yi8c.com/
02-2776-6628 John Hutton, Giorgetti, J. Robert Scott,
台北市敦化南路一段25223 Holly Hunt, Dedon, B&B ITALIA
6.卡希納傢飾生活館 http://www.hnlin.com.tw/
02-2321-8885 Cassina, Ceccotti, Flos, Triangolo, Zanott, Album
7. 丹意&信實名品 http://www.danese-lealty.com.tw/about.html
  Kartell, Fritz Hansen, Driade, Rolf Benz (羅浮賓士),
  Bang & Olufsen, Porsche Design
8. 麗居國際傢俱 http://www.titi.com.tw/
02-2701-2288 Martha Stewart, Bernhardt,Thomasville,
台北市大安區建國南路二段201 Lauren Ralph Lauren, Stanley, Lillian August
9. 禹臣實業 http://www.geuc.tw/
02-8789-0299 Poltrona Frau
10. 可昂居  
02-2876-8242 法國百年品牌GRANGE家具
11. 詠晟國際 bhome http://www.bhome.com.tw/
02-2395-5055 Piet Boon, Artelano, Casamilano, Gandiablasco,
台北市仁愛路二段98 Linteloo, Molinari, Modenature, Ycami
12. 西華住的藝術 http://www.high-point.com.tw/index.html
02-8522-3467 VERSACE, WK Whnen, Potocco, Frigerio
02-2356-9055 Ligne Roset
14. 公爵傢飾  
02-2516-8636 ARKETIPO
15. 是方國際家飾 SMANIA
16. LAURA ASHLEY http://www.laura-ashley.com.tw/
02-2740-9662 Laura Ashley
17. 蕭荷 http://www.showhow.url.tw/yellowpage/index.html
02-8522-3694 rowe furniture
18. 伊莎愛倫 http://blog.xuite.net/emily.andy/ea
02-2876-5808 金莎, 伊莎愛倫
19. 紐約家飾  
800070899 W.K各大品牌
20. 日月光 國際品牌皆有
21. 齊典 義大利復古傢俱
22. 金山傢俱 http://www.kaneyama.com.tw/
02-2893-9070 Baker

( 維多利亞國際VIP展示間 - 榮獲中國『最成功設計獎/ 全棟 - VIP預約專人服務 )

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Natuzzi 每一款沙發與傢俱都有「身分證」,並提供全球市場的十年產品保固。Natuzzi 講求自然、人文、環保,除選擇最高級的皮革,堅持不做磨面處理以保持原皮的纖維組織之外,還使用純天然的染料,做出具有耐酸、耐鹼、耐紫外線、抗汗、抗氧化、抗潮濕的頂級皮革製品,多達兩百多種的皮革顏色,色染的誤差度更控制道極小值,讓客戶購滿產品後若有維修需要,仍可在換皮修補後完好如初。此外,在沙發框架方面,以建築結構式的設計與符合國際標準的環保木材設計製造,並在Natuzzi實驗室中反覆測驗以測量他們在各種氣候條件下的長久使用性能;再運用獨有的專利技術,將具有高抗壓力的皮帶組織於框架上,並採用聚氨脂,聚脂纖維毛絨與鵝毛三種材質組合搭配出的最佳襯墊結構,一起創造出高舒適度的沙發產品。Natuzzi提供市場上最多樣化的選擇,不論是沙發、扶椅或其他裝飾品;在風格、舒適度、裝飾面料、色彩以及功能選擇上,各式各樣的組合變化出多達兩百萬種,完全超乎想像的裝飾方案。無論在地球的任何一個角落,屬於哪種文化,喜歡何種生活方式,以滿足不同需求。在2005年更是設定了搭配客廳的新標準-休閒精神,都會感觸及懷舊情懷,每一個不同主題提供不同的方式布置您的客廳,藉由設計顏色及材料來提供高質感,但是又實用且適合每一個人的樣式。

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It is often the small details that make the difference. Vladi plays with the balance of lightness and tension. The table top appears to float on a network of delicate strands. Lightly and precisely. The slim central column ensures stability. Strength and delicacy balance each other. The thread draws fine lines on the table top. Models in solid wood and black paint with a soft finish are eye-catchers.  © WALTHER KNOLL

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Take a look this fine collection of living room furniture from Natuzzi. They specialize in living room sofas and furnishings and have quite a variety of sofa sets in leather and fabrics for the living room. We thought the following pictures that Natuzzi has put up on their site would serve as a good source of inspiration for aspiring sofa buyers.

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《Lillian August》美式傢俱 欣賞

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適應現代世界的法國風格的要求,《GRANGE》不斷創造新家具和新的產品選項。 每一件GRANGE家具都是相當獨特的。 一個溫暖的表現,現代的外觀,甚至在漆面表面用木結構的珍貴古色金裝飾色彩。


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Salone del Mobile. The Milan Design Week.

The week of the Salone del Mobile in Milan has arrived. The global economic times is incredible. Signs of recovery are seen now, especially in an industry, the furniture, which did not suffer much time as much as others, see what engineering for example. One moment, however this selection. Companies that had no clear plans or who have not invested in recent years are those that are paying more. The absence of names from the salon as "excellent" is one example. Nube offers a "modern feel" that combines sofas and tables of innovative design, high quality, originality and true comfort for the selective and demanding customer. Since 1958, in a market that has seen many changes, the desire to position itself in the high level of market is reflected in the choice of a cloud to be working with such famous architects, Carlo Colombo, Riccardo Bello Dias, Volpato Hatz, Philippe Nigro and Mauritius saved. The entire collection of sofas, armchairs and coffee tables are designed and produced taking into account the different lifestyles and different geographical position. Cloud considers the importance to offer the best and that is why he founded his success in combining modern living and convenience with years of experience and constant quality control of products. The cultural roots of the company include new technologies, performance and functionality, special requests, advanced materials and a competitive pricing policy. The main feature that distinguishes Cloud, are the structures in metal and wood to ensure durability over the years, the oversized to meet the needs of clients and the mechanism of this session in different models that transform the simple couch into a daybed.

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Copper Shade brings a sculptural sophistication to any interior, either alone or grouped as a dramatic chandelier cluster. Pure copper is applied to the polycarbonate globe using the technologically advanced process of vacuum metallisation. Copper Collection。With its historical position as the first metal worked by man, copper has a crucial role in high technology industries and innovation with applications from solar cells to microwave radiation. The Copper collection highlights the dynamic and flexible properties of using copper. Also in the collection is Fat Spot, an alternative to the numerous minimal architectural spotlights on the market. Copper Shade Diameter: 45cm globe.

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子宮椅 - 沙裡寧 Womb Chair – Saarinen

History: The Womb Chair is probably one of the most comfortable Saarinen chairs in history. Made in 1948 as a request by Florence Knoll, the chair was manufactured just for and by her!


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蹺蹺板椅 - 埃姆斯 Shell Rocker Chair – Eames

History: This Eames fiberglass rocker has been popularized for its balance of beauty and function with its super comfortable shape and style.


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《 Ligne Roset 》經典法式傢俱欣賞:

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《 Moooi 》荷蘭進口品牌欣賞:

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義大利《 Driade 》現代經典設計欣賞

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《 Creazioni 》現代古典風傢俱欣賞

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《 Rugiano 欣賞:

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《 Bottega Veneta 》「 BV 」Home 欣賞:

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《 Hermes Home 欣賞

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