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Lillian August 》經典「 櫃 」系列欣賞:

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《Poltrona Frau》「 JOHN-JOHN 沙發:

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Elegance. A skin-deep. 


Soft, smooth or workmanship, elegant leather dresses with the domestic environment, adding a touch of class to the undisputed sofas and chairs, but also furniture, chairs, beds, tables, mirrors and even flooring. For those who are constantly seeking new and unique ideas to make your home a special ambience and design, Pride, Priante Design, offers Nextep Leathers, the brand which produces and sells floor tiles and leather upholstery. The tile skin is the result of coupling through the bonding of a skin on a ceramic tile. The product comes in various sizes and in a wide range of colors. To enrich the possibilities of use are provided on all sizes of prints and colors that are well suited for use as wall cladding. The skin has never been so strong and so soft stone. In fact, the tiles contain two philosophies and two Nextep know how, stoneware that can give strength and stability, leather floor to draw a single, emotional, where each piece is unique, but where everyone speaks the same language, the elegance, nature, exclusivity and warmth. The environments in which it is laid, magically come to life, breathe, absorb sound, mature over time next to their occupants. 

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A very comfortable, upholstered armchair designed by Hans J. Wegner in 1960 but not put into production until 2010. 
The armchair features a round and roomy upholstered back and large armrests - a comely contrast to the lightweight stainless steel legs. The chair is the natural centre of attention in the living room, on its own or in groups. Upholstered in leather or fabric. Stainless steel legs.  © Carl Hansen & Son

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女性時尚設計大師Lillian August本身設計數以百計美式豪宅備受關注,而Lillian August得獎的設計就如她持續對室內設計界提供創新靈感的服務。她最近的得獎是2009WITH IT經典家具獎,指定她身為一個女人對設計家具界做出終生貢獻的成就。作為Lillian August設計師品牌的設計總監,Lillian是美式家具產業中最具代表性品牌Lillian August的實踐藝術家,她不僅是一位織品藝術家,更是一位畫家,室內設計師和家具設計師。其作品展現她著重細節,充滿活力和吸引力的生活方式。作品設計元素源自豐富多彩的亞洲東方色彩到活潑愉悅的美式風格。她與金字塔頂尖消費者有超過二十年的長久合作關係,在過去的20年中,Lillian August及她的團隊在美國設計了數以百計的美式豪宅,被譽為天生具有一種預測消費者豪華生活方式的最佳能力。

Lillian August家具品牌的設計風格具有濃郁的英倫風情,企圖表彰的是歐洲經典淬煉後的轉化與提升。殖民地時代尤如電影廠景般的陳設,在她的設計裡經常可見,來自英國法國受到帝王風格及殖民地時代影響所設計的絕美單品,展現出歐亞非舊世界如人類瑰寶般的生活意境。精準比例,豐富的木質紋理表現出東西混搭與渡假風情以及新古典主義時代東西元素豐富奢華饗宴,多元折衷的層次感與恢宏視野,以絕對時尚的方式呈現,這都是Lillian August在業界為人稱道的經典特質。而能夠提供家具家飾品及其它整體服務內容,同樣是造就Lillian August品牌價值的另一個原因。

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Poltrona義大利文是扶手椅的意思,而Frau則是創辦人Renzo Frau先生的姓1912Renzo Frau以英國俱樂部殖民古典風格,設計了1款單人沙發名為Chester,從此揭開了Poltrona Frau百年序幕,至今仍傳承獨有的皮革打摺工藝技術,使品牌精神得以延續!客製化訴求:Poltrona Frau每件家具皆由1位老師傅全程手工打造,座椅是採用硬度、韌性及穩定性都很高的山毛櫸木,經自然風乾2年後再形塑成為骨架並以雙錐彈簧鋼維持座椅恆久彈性,另以黃麻布包覆非洲棕梠乾燥纖維,藉其吸放濕氣的特性保護家具,最後才縫合羽絨內裝及最頂級的皮革,空氣感十足又不失其支撐性,而牛皮接觸皮膚所透出的柔嫩觸感更是令人愛不釋手。

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《Poltrona Frau》「 PILLOW 」沙發:

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Poltrona Frau 好大的膽子!敢將家具用剖面形式展現結構,自櫸木骨架、雙錐彈簧鋼、麻帶縫綁羽絨至外覆皮革,皆一目了然。歷經近百年,20世紀初期知名影星奧黛莉赫本(Audrey Hepburn),及近代歌手惠妮休斯頓(Whitney Houston)、車神舒馬克(Michael Schumacher),皆為其深深著迷。

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Living according to Fendi Home

The colors of the desert, the magic of the warm and vibrant living spaces according to Fendi Casa. 'S interpretation of seductive luxury is enhanced by new objects, colors and ideas, becoming the place, time, contemporary life. The colors of the earth, the golden sand, bright red and then, in the warm reflections of the sun. The crystal blue and cerulean sky, crossed by the wind and light, then the night. Soul wild yet gentle way to interpret this collection clearly printed materials such as leather, animal print fabrics, fur, upholstered chairs, decorations, traditional furniture. Combinations that meet simplicity and rigor, daring and timeless elegance.The wise use of materials and craftsmanship of a product totally made in i taly translate into work, comfort and aesthetic excellence. The fabrics in silk jacquard motifs spotted, striped or galuchat, bright and luminous in shades of golden sand-colored, silver gray and ice. The crocodile or alligator skin print effect, in contrast with the red lobster on dilute and then with the tones in the blue lagoon. The alternation of black, dark taupe or mocha, in a game of strength and color contrasts on the facets "diamond" of cabinets and chairs. Glossy lacquer combined with sophisticated machining Erable on furniture, tables and accessories. Fendi Casa is distributed by Club House Italy.

文章來源: http://www.arredamento.it/articoli/articolo/luxury-design/1178/l-abitare-secondo-fendi-casa.htm


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Poltrona Frau exposes itself and reveals the soul of one of its icons. Chester, straight from the historical archives, the year 1912. Armchair and sofa in an experimental and special revival. A structure of pure craftsmanship wrapped in a simple sheet of PVC. Thick, transparent, it lets you see the skeleton of the chair. A supporting structure in seasoned beech dyed a pale white. Jute webbing. Biconical springs. Wood. Accompanied by careful craftsmanship, where comfort and timeless beauty originate. The PVC sheet is shaped so it can be used as a chair and sofa.

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義大利國寶品牌Poltrona Frau

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雖說「敬業樂業」是一種良好的工作態度,但在辦公室工作之後,還有一大堆文件雖回家工作,再多的樂趣也是白說。若然家中的書桌並不令為用家帶來一個舒適的環境,更會令生活增添一點苦澀味道。來自意大利的著名家具品牌 Poltrona Frau ,自 1912 年起便以精湛的皮革製家具聞名國際,其製作工藝更應用到 FerrariMaserati Rolls Royce 等名車之上。於 2011 年最新推出的家具系列之中,一張名為FRED 的書桌,與名為GINGER 的座椅配搭,相信能令用家感受到工作的回報。由意大利設計師 Roberto Lazzeroni 設計的 FRED 書桌,框架以白蠟木塗上黑色防刮損油漆製成,為了突顯出 Poltrona Frau 皮革的出類拔萃,設計師打破以往皮革最多只用來包裹桌身儲物櫃的概念,首次將上乘的馬鞍皮革應用在桌面之上,令用家雙手接觸到的都是舒適的感覺,另外還特別加長了一側的皮革為 FRED 抽屜櫃帶來覆蓋,令整體設計更顯個性。而以相同概念完成的GINGER 座椅,用上同款皮革製成,不單與FRED 書桌更搭配,座椅更可選擇固定與旋轉座位,放在飯廳之中亦能顯出氣派。

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Lillian August 》經典沙發系列,V媽大力推薦經典美式現代傢俱欣賞。

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《Poltrona Frau》「 lELIT 」床組介紹:

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www.natuzzi.net.tw & natuzzi.victoria-deco.com

Your pursuit of beauty and quality begins with Natuzzi Editions leather furniture. As you check out each finely crafted piece, you'll discover how luxurious rich, hand-tailored Italian leather truly is. Natuzzi Editions furniture is a harmony of forms, materials and colors that come to life in the exceptional detail and craftsmanship of every piece. From natural hide markings, leather welting and exquisite nailhead accents to pillowed arms, Dacron® wrapped foam cushions and resilient Pirelli seat webbing, leather furniture by Natuzzi Editions is an adventure in aesthetics and an indulgence in comfort.

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皮革是一種被公認為帶來舒適及高貴感覺的物料,無論外套、鞋子、腰帶、銀包或座椅,都會以皮革作為包裹物料。隨著公眾對生活品味的要求提高,令皮革應用的範疇變得更廣。來自意大利的頂級家具製造商《Poltrona Frau》,一直以精湛的手技及出色的皮革製造各式各樣的家居產品,最近他們更將皮革應用在儲物櫃之上,把這種高貴又舒適的體驗繼續伸延。名為 OBI 的儲物櫃系列,由Poltrona Frau 內部的R & D 部門設計,分別推出了385369 114 高度的儲物櫃組合,從兩個抽屜的矮身儲物櫃,到七個抽屜的高身儲物櫃,以不同的體積來滿足用家的需要。系列最特別之處,除了以胡桃木製成的表飾面外,還有以不同色系的 Pelle Frau 皮革包裹而成的表飾面選擇,讓簡單的儲物櫃外表亦帶出一種高貴感覺。另外每一個抽屜櫃及手抽位置都是以皮革包裹而成,令用家無論接觸那一部份都有最舒適的感受。以精湛手工製成的皮革包裹都會壓印Poltrona Frau 標誌,代表每一部份都是由品牌精心製作而成,為用家帶來最尊貴的享受。

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Poltrona Frau 1912 年由創辦人Renzo Frau 所創立,揭開了Poltrona Frau 百年品牌的序幕,從創立至今,Poltrona Frau 堅持選用頂級皮革與延續獨有的傳統皮革打摺工藝技術,使得品牌精神歷久彌堅,成為大英博物館及歐洲共同議會指定座椅,而他們獨步全球的製皮技術,更獲得頂級跑車製造商 Ferrari Maserati 青睞,成為內裝皮椅所指定御用的皮革。能成功延續Poltrona Frau 的百年品牌精神在於,堅持每件家具全程只由一位工藝了得的老師傅打造,而家具的骨架則是採用硬度與韌性穩定度較高的歐洲山毛櫸實木。此外,皮革的部份皆由 Poltrona Frau 專屬的皮革實驗室所研發而成,目前 Poltrona Frau 的製皮技術擁有獨步全球的 20 項專利,所有的牛皮僅採用質地最柔軟與韌度最高的第一層皮。2003 年義大利Fiat 集團總裁Luca di Montezemolo 取得了Poltrona Frau 30% 股權開始,便展開了品牌重整計畫,直至 2006 年,Charme集團便與Poltrona Frau 共同產生了一個新的頂級義大利家具集團,除了原本的 Poltrona Frau 以外,旗下品牌另有知名的 Alias, Cappellini, Cassina 家具品牌。

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Fendi Casa, the original interpreter of luxury

The style makes a show of itself, flawless, eclectic and seductive beauty of its contrasts. Showy and delicate, with fine accents classic rethought as contemporary, creating a unique atmosphere, out of time. The space is bright, extremely elegant in tones ice, pearl gray and ivory, who echo the shades of midnight blue, black or ruby ​​red touches. Each environment has a strong emotional impact, the objects are treated in detail, the elegant and comfortable seating. These masterpieces of the craft have a soul, are par t of living environments and dominate the room as protagonists. The Fendi signature every single piece, the result of sophisticated design and manufacturing the high quality standard of the typical "made in Italy", bringing them the latest fashion trends. For printed leather, Fendi Casa proposes new variants "Alligator" ice colors, black and honey and the press "Low Point Horse", depicting an elegant horse. Always on top also printed leathers Emerald and Baguette, these geometric patterns take up the brightness and the play of typical facets of precious stones. Traditional full-grain leathers in various finishes: smooth, pearly, effect "suede." Nevertheless, the effect crocodile print in multiple versions, such as "Soft" leather with a special process which guarantees softness and total fit models also quilted.

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