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The living room: more reassuring expression of relaxation

Informal, flexible, technology and capable of expressing a strong personality: these are the characteristics of the house today, for the living area that favors large-scale sofas equipped to accommodate tools or objects of entertainment, but also can ensure absolute comfort in moments of talk and rest periods. The padded maintain the linear design and essential that he had imposed in the now outdated "was minimal" home, but at the same time smooth out the proper forms and expand volumes and depth of the sessions. The convenience evokes softness and freedom: the modular systems, with the versatility with which their elements can be placed, they can respond to different tastes and needs. Modules equipped with or without armrests, ottomans, reclining seats and stretched allow craere real comfortable islands in the living area. The true quality of an upholstered also depends on some aspects that are not immediately obvious: to make a good product competing technologies applied during processing, the materials chosen, and its structure. The padding should not be too soft, although able to accommodate the body, the seat cushions and backrest should ensure proper posture, the height should allow their feet and get up and sit comfortably.
The Edra collection 2004 wants to recreate the atmosphere thick and silent of an aquarium. The new pieces have taken shape as a metaphor for appearance. Fabrics to steal sea world musk colors and effects. On the Rocks, the large sofa by Francesco Binfaré, explores the endless possibilities of modularity. Consisting of four pieces of irregular shape, variously combined, upholstered polyurethane special softness, density and is equipped with mouldable, simply lean back and kept firm by non-slip material thermoformed disks. The fabrics, the result of a search in all fields in the textile sector by Monica Mazzei, belong to a specific chapter of the project. Made exclusively for the company, are meant to enhance the quality of materials and products.

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創立於1966年的B&B ITALIA,以基本與傳統的材質 (例如鋼、皮革、木頭等精緻的素材),前所未有地創造了舒適質感的兼具,且完美無暇的作品。從書櫃架至椅子、沙發、床架,B&B ITALIA都嘗試著給予一套完整的家居生活模式.多年來的傑出設計,讓B&B Italia四度勇奪“Compasso d’Oro Awards”,作品包括︰1972年度Le Bambole1984年度Sisamo1986年度Sity以及於1989年度以品牌身分獲此殊榮。

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復古風華新魅力:《 e15 》&《 Fendi Casa 》


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《 Flexform 》源自義大利北部,其家具以契合生活需求的功能性出發,邀請當代知名設計師,結合細緻的做工技術,創造出舒適、休閒、具知性風格的家具。而FLEXFORM低調而自在的外型,和其他家具的搭配性很高,是其優點。FLEXFORM的家具與許多知名設計師合作,其中Antonio Citterio這位極簡風設計大師,影響FLEXFORM甚深。Antonio Citterio以「人」為出發點,不僅講求俐落的設計手法,還講求家具在實際使用上,賦予人們的舒適性和方便性,如Sunny沙發,扶手和椅背需要時可往下放,彈性擴大使用面積。另外,命名為Infinity(無限)的收納櫃,則可順應使用者需求,自由改變櫃體形式,創造個人化空間,名符其實為「無限延伸」的意涵。FLEXFORM沒有炫燿的外表或華麗的裝飾,卻可增添空間的風格氣味,讓人看見屋主高雅的搭配手法與生活品味。走進FLEXFORM展場,不難感受到其家具散發出一股強烈舒適的氣息,隨時召喚人們往它身上靠攏。FLEXFORM功能性、美感和知性內涵兼具,3者達到平衡,單純而不簡單,是喜歡FLEXFORM的人認為它最有魔力的地方。資料來源:蘋果日報

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歐洲貴族巴洛克奢華頂級傢俱SILIK「餐桌」欣賞。更多相關文章,也請參考以下。。 喜歡的好朋友們請不用客氣來信(Vma@victoria-deco.com)詢問更多的細節喔,謝謝唷~

   ♥ 奢華頂級傢俱SILIK「沙發」欣賞

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Enveloping, fluid and sensual shapes for an upholstered comfort and refinement. The lightness is highlighted by a small walnut wooden structure (natural or lacquered). This collection is the quintessence of the style and know-how of the Massaud/Poliform for a well-off but contemporary comfort. © Poliform

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歐洲貴族巴洛克奢華頂級傢俱SILIK「床組」欣賞,更多相關文章,也請參考以下。。 喜歡的好朋友們請不用客氣來信(Vma@victoria-deco.com)詢問更多的細節喔,謝謝唷~

   ♥ 奢華頂級傢俱SILIK「沙發」欣賞

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《SILIK家具的設計靈感來源於盧浮宮的珍藏品,復雜夸張的雕刻、精美厚重的原材料,盡顯皇家尊貴地位。SILIK家具融合巴洛克、路易式家具的設計精髓,從約瑟夫·佛蘭皇后睡房的家具到拿破侖首席御用宮廷畫師杰克·路易·大衛創作室的家具,都是SILIK作品的源頭所在。當代有不少阿拉伯石油國家的皇室皆採用SILIK的產品。歐洲貴族巴洛克奢華頂級傢俱SILIK「沙發」欣賞。更多相關文章,也請參考以下。。 喜歡的好朋友們請不用客氣來信(Vma@victoria-deco.com)詢問更多的細節喔,謝謝唷~

   ♥ 奢華頂級傢俱SILIK「餐桌」欣賞

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《 Flexform 》其家具以契合生活需求的功能性出發,邀請當代知名設計師,結合細緻的做工技術,創造出舒適、休閒、具知性風格的家具。FLEXFORM低調而自在的外型,和其他家具的搭配性很高,是其優點。FLEXFORM它包容性十足,不論是歐洲古典、紐約後現代或亞洲現代簡約空間,FLEXFORM的家具都能輕易融入。然而,單獨看FLEXFORM的產品,卻會覺得它充滿個性,介於經典與現代之間。FLEXFORM沒有限定風格,非常適合充滿特色的居家空間,兼具質感、舒適度與設計,V媽大力推薦!

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《 Flexform 》源自義大利北部的Meda小鎮,其家具以契合生活需求的功能性出發,邀請當代知名設計師,結合細緻的做工技術,創造出舒適、休閒、具知性風格的家具。而FLEXFORM低調而自在的外型,和其他家具的搭配性很高,是其優點。世界上最舒適的沙發:在仔細觸摸體驗沙發坐感後,會驚訝地發現FLEXFORM可謂是將羽絨與聚氨酯泡棉進行了超級完美的結合,其沙發在協調性、精密性、高品質和創造性的各個面項中都是頂級之選。FLEXFORM它包容性十足,不論是歐洲古典、紐約後現代或亞洲現代簡約空間,FLEXFORM的家具都能輕易融入。然而,單獨看FLEXFORM的產品,卻會覺得它充滿個性,介於經典與現代之間。FLEXFORM沒有限定風格,非常適合台灣充滿多元需求的品味居家空間,兼具設計、質感與舒適度。

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當代奢華Contemporary  Luxury:魅惑、經典、時尚、優雅

雖然FENDI王國是由Adele Casagrande所創,卻是她的5個女兒打出的天下。1925Adele Casagrande在羅馬開了家小店,和Edoardo Fendi結婚後,便將店名以丈夫之名取為「FENDI」,為當時義大利貴族名媛製作皮草大衣與手袋。第25個女兒接手後,全球興起反皮草運動,5姐妹為突破困境,將設計重點改向強調手工技術,如多材質交織法及皮革上漆等,減少皮草使用。重新定位後,成功地將FENDI這間皮革製品小店推上國際舞台。一直到現在,由Silvia Venturini擔任第3代掌門,FENDI已有81年歷史。1985年,5姐妹中的Anna Fendi因對空間與家具情有獨鍾,將原先家具部門獨立,成立FENDI CASA,以精湛的手工技術為立基,並生產知名設計師作品,包括被紐約雜誌喻為「無可匹敵的家具設計師」─ Vladimir Kagan等人。

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Upholstered. Maxi size, big comfort

Visually striking, are the undisputed protagonists of the living area, which connote with their personality, providing for large families or those who simply love the relaxing comfort "extra-large." To living with generous dimensions wishes to ensure the necessary comfort to relax your body and mind from the fatigue and stress accumulated during the day, but also to enjoy the time spent talking with your partner and friends. A stylish, which stems from a clean design and essential, a facility that already shows a comfort not common, a large variety of possible solutions, thanks to four different armrests and high modularity: here, in summarythe main features of the new model Martin signed by Linea Italia, that it should be noted for its aesthetic qualities, constructive and functional. Regardless of the chosen, the sofa armrest is always available in fixed or modular version, and both also in bed, in different sizes. Is completely removable (also in the leather version) and can be upholstered in fabric, leatherette, leather or Alcantara. The wooden structure and the padding in differentiated density polyurethane with elastic seat composed of elastic straps. Seat cushions are polyurethane while the backrest cushions are mixed down, reversible double face, except in the leather version. The four arms are wide, respectively, 18, 20, 24 and 36 cm and determine the different widths of elements. To complete the drawing, you may require optional a headrest, a flying magazine, various pillows and pouffe with wheels. 

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最近好萊塢「房事」特別熱鬧,喬遷新居的貝克漢夫婦,以及品味一流的布萊德彼特、安琪莉娜裘莉夫婦,甚至新聞不斷的小甜甜,都選擇義大利的Minotti家具,而且都偏愛風格摩登的白色系。提起「Minotti」,李登輝於外雙溪的宅邸內裝,就是Minotti好萊塢明星向來注重隱私權,居家裝潢絕少曝光,但為了宣傳新片或新專輯,有時也會例外,選擇性地開放客廳和部分臥室讓媒體拍照,讓大眾也能一窺堂奧。最近才剛搬到美國洛杉磯的貝克漢夫婦,就以偌大的落地窗與戶外的綠蔭花草相呼應,日前夫妻倆還攜手前往洛杉磯的Minotti旗艦店採購家具。據說洛杉磯的Minotti店有個相當隱密的VIP室,員工手拎可攜式攝影機到賣場拍下現況,可直接傳到VIP室的大螢幕讓VIP觀看「Showroom Maid」(展示室女佣)則會依賓客的需求端上飲料與食物,極力保護VIP的隱私,難怪貝克漢夫婦一到美國就衝到Minotti血拚了。除了貝克漢夫婦、布萊德彼特夫婦外,小甜甜布蘭妮、妮可基嫚等明星的居家裝潢,也偏愛一片白色簡約的摩登風,以及帶有南洋度假風、綠意盎然的戶外景觀。小甜甜擁有不少豪宅,其中一棟位於洛杉磯郊區海邊的別墅,耗資680萬美金(約21,000萬台幣),內部裝潢是以原木色與白色調詮釋浪漫風情,呼應窗外一片湛藍的海岸風光。此外,以低調品味著稱的布萊德彼特和安琪莉娜裘莉,也是Minotti白色家具的愛好者。這對夫婦住的雖然不是獨棟莊園型別墅,但內部裝潢可不馬虎,除了Minotti家具外,兩人的愛巢選用義大利Frette訂製寢具,而且是一次訂購十幾套搭配替換,色系則以白色、灰色、天空藍等居多。為何好萊塢明星偏愛容易髒、不易清理的白色家具?根據業者表示,好萊塢明星的個性夢幻,對於「美」的要求很高,不計任何代價。

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Minotti, articulated design soul

Signed entirely by Rodolfo Dordoni, Minotti collection comes with a core design sophisticated and articulate. The desire is to offer a complete project built around a different product, able to create a harmony of style with absolute, where the strong principle that unites and coordinates all the elements, is the fusion of tradition and modernity. A new spirit of contemporary decor that is not present on the market, the creation of a new segment of taste declines in an innovative idea in its simple elegance and lasting. The values, in fact, that wants to communicate the new collection are certainly not an end in itself, nor is ephemeral and passengers, but on the contrary, they represent the core values ​​of a brand that has existed for 60 years, used to innovate with respect for tradition, with the knowledge of what it does and the strength of its proposals. Also in the true Made in Italy. Three seating systems that interpret the current needs of hospitality and comfort. Destined to become a classic, the seating system, Williams stands out for its remarkable aesthetic character, for its elegant proportions and for immediate comfort, obtained using a foam mind "sensitive" new generation, capable of allowing cars to distribute the weight for optimal performance. The Williams system with its different possibilities, the normal version, and version Square Mix version, different combinations can give rise to more or less formal, able to interpret the current needs of hospitality and comfort. Three different versions are characterized by simple forms and rich at the same time with the greatest care to details, which are based on an elegant laser-cut base, finished in bright nickel titanium, capable of giving a floating, absolute aesthetic rigor.

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Lillian August》經典「 桌 」系列欣賞:

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Lillian August》經典「 餐桌 」系列欣賞:

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e15 EC01 BYRON by Philipp Mainzer, Florian Asche.

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列居義大利品牌頂級傢俱品牌龍頭的Poltrona Frau》(www.Poltrona-Frau.com)於旗艦店進駐台北信義計畫區後,台中展示中心也緊接開幕,開幕現場有遠自義大利而來的國寶級手工師傅親自展演Poltrona Frau無人能出其右的沙發皮革縫製精工。百年品牌頃注台灣市場。Poltrona Frau創立於1912年,近百年堅持選用頂級皮革與延續獨有皮革打摺工藝製作,使得品牌精神歷久彌堅,成為全球指標的大英博物館及歐洲共同議會指定座椅,更獲得頂級跑車Ferrari Maserati青睞,以擁有Poltrona Frau精緻的內裝座椅為傲。在台灣Poltrona Frau受到許多極具代表性的頂級名宅專案指定使用,而年案量高達400億的台中七期重劃區,將是Poltrona Frau在台灣擴展版圖的重要據點。


Poltrona Frau 品牌發言人指出,針對台中店開幕,我們特別挑全球百大企業名人鍾愛的十大完美沙發經典款展示,從1912起創始人Renzo Frau發表的經典座椅至近年融合古今的新作品一次到位。不僅呈現Poltrona Frau以傳世為傲的經典風格,更是名人成就品味不可或缺的生活藝品與典藏。

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Lillian August 》經典「 沙發 」系列欣賞:

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Lillian August 》經典「 床組 」系列欣賞:

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