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《 Poliform 》是當今義大利傢俱界中,最受肯定的製造商,其卓越的成績遍及海外及歐洲各國,約有1000個據點。創立於1942年,Spinelli Anzani兩人從 Brianza一間小小的工作室開始。直到1970年時才正式啟用Poliform這個新的名稱,由三個合夥人Aldo Spineli, Alberto Spinelli Giovanni Anzani,也開始朝向高質感及設計感的現代傢俱前進,注重所有細節,維持合理的價位以求取廣大的市場。1983年成為合資公司,將產品調性調整更為摩登,除了原本Inverigo的廠房外,並在Arosio 加設一間新的廠房,由建築師Paolo Piva親自設計,將整個軟硬體設備規劃得更符合品牌精神。此外,Poliform也將版圖擴充到廚具市場,買下Varenna並開始整頓,Varnna是一家具有深厚傳統技術的廚具公司,Poliform結合原本的豐富技術,並投資最新的機器設備,一舉躍升為業界的領導者。 Poliform在品質方面不只注重外面的呈現,更重視內部的材料,完全按照歐洲的安全規格選擇正確的材料製造。

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《Heller》是間國際家俱製造商,創立於 1971 年,其第一件商品是全套餐具的設計,由 Massimo Vignelli 所執掌,並榮獲義大利的金圓規設計獎(Compasso d'Oro Award),及 MOMA 的永久收藏。1998 Heller 開辦傢俱部門,98 Mario Bellini 設計的 Bellini Chair 榮獲 2001 年義大利金羅盤獎 (Compasso d'Oro ADI),其後又陸續推出知名設計師的各款傢俱。至今 40 幾年間,曾與國際知名設計師 Massimo & Lella VignelliPhilippe StarckMario BelliniVico MagistrettiWilliam SawayaDe PasD'Urbino & LomazziFrank Gehry Studio 65 一同合作,提供頂尖設計師新的技術,創作新作品的機會。其設計出的商品贏得許多國內外獎項,備受世界上博物館的典藏。

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bebitalia.victoria-deco.com / maxalto.victoria-deco.com

《 B&B ITALIA 》是一家義大利著名的家具品牌, 用極簡的設計語言訴說生活的品味,穩重的佈局中帶點趣味的巧思。從空間給人的體驗,到產品製造的精制度,都顯現這個國際品牌的氣質風範。

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bebitalia.victoria-deco.com / maxalto.victoria-deco.com

Salone del Mobile. The Milan Design Week.

The week of the Salone del Mobile in Milan has arrived. The global economic times is incredible. Signs of recovery are seen now, especially in an industry, the furniture, which did not suffer much time as much as others, see what engineering for example. One moment, however this selection. Companies that had no clear plans or who have not invested in recent years are those that are paying more. The absence of names from the salon as "excellent" is one example. Nube offers a "modern feel" that combines sofas and tables of innovative design, high quality, originality and true comfort for the selective and demanding customer. Since 1958, in a market that has seen many changes, the desire to position itself in the high level of market is reflected in the choice of a cloud to be working with such famous architects, Carlo Colombo, Riccardo Bello Dias, Volpato Hatz, Philippe Nigro and Mauritius saved. The entire collection of sofas, armchairs and coffee tables are designed and produced taking into account the different lifestyles and different geographical position. Cloud considers the importance to offer the best and that is why he founded his success in combining modern living and convenience with years of experience and constant quality control of products. The cultural roots of the company include new technologies, performance and functionality, special requests, advanced materials and a competitive pricing policy. The main feature that distinguishes Cloud, are the structures in metal and wood to ensure durability over the years, the oversized to meet the needs of clients and the mechanism of this session in different models that transform the simple couch into a daybed.

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Massaud’s Kennedee Sofa by Poltrona Frau.  Famed furniture designer Jean-Marie Massaud gets his inspiration from many elements and generations. For his latest offering he teamed up with Poltrona Frau to produce the Kennedee modular sofa sectional capable of an infinite number of combinations with different elements allowing free creation. If the 50′s and 60′s come to mind its because Massaud studied designs that were popular during that era to create a sofa reminiscent of “the golden and lighthearted era of Jacqueline Kennedy’s modern, carefree, and sophisticated elegance”. Poltrona Frau is know for handcrafted workmanship and every detail is perfected by age old artisanal skills making their products as quality made as they are stylish.

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The Natuzzi Group is the largest Italian furniture company founded in 1959 by Pasquale Natuzzi. Their aim is offer consumers stylish and comfortable products, manufactured with the attention to detail that reflects the passion and expertise of the people working in the company. Natuzzi furniture is always hand made by expert craftsman committed to the highest quality standards. The 2010 collection allows you to rediscover the pleasure of spending time in a truly comfortable ambiance. The essential practical furnishings contributing to a sense of solidity and security through the combination of warm welcoming hues of natural materials contrasted by matt and gloss artificial surfaces.

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創立於1927年的義大利世界頂級傢俱品牌 Cassina,歷史悠久,自1760 年起即在義大利製造傢俱,1927 年正式創立 Cassina S.p.A. 後,漸漸將傢俱製作朝向義式現代傢俱製作方向發展。1964 年開始獲得授權製作 i Maestri 巨匠系列,重現近代建築大師們的傢俱名作,進行生產及銷售。

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Poliform lifestyle stories

Stories of experiences and lifestyles: Poliform interprets home projects that explore different aesthetic choices and composition. A variety of furnishing solution ranging from libraries to the cabinets, beds additions. The complements Poliform collection is a true global project, able to interpret different concepts of living. Projects of great originality that can be both welcoming and relaxing, as Poliform style. Axia is a cupboard with doors with a hinge pin, with 180 ° opening. The frame is available in Spessart oak, elm or white matt 28 colors, insert day matt 28 colors. Painted metal basement. Class, wall-mounted cupboard Spessart oak, has a cutlery drawer with two folding doors, open shelf and drawer in leather or Spessart oak. Ego Day is a showcase with glass transparent reflective doors, profile bronzed varnished or lacquered matt in 28 colors. Interior fitted with drawers and shelves suspended with minimum thickness, with the lighting system. In the system of tables Woodstock, composed of basic geometric free combination, each element can be accomplished in a different finish, a choice of matt in 28 colors, white oak and elm spessart.

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bebitalia.victoria-deco.com / maxalto.victoria-deco.com

The blanket stitching is unpretentious. The entirely upholstered body and leg keeps things simple, but if you want the wood base just ask. Two seat heights allow use as sofa or banquette.

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《Baker品牌家具,室內陳設欣賞。 談到新古典的家具那一定先想到最經典的品牌"BAKER"它的古典具有現代感確又有股"英國紳士"般的溫文儒雅... V媽邀您放鬆心情欣賞一下唷...

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《Cassina》一直以生產高品質現代設計傢俱聞名於世。其產品所提供的範疇從單椅、餐桌、沙發、床組等包括任何傢飾上可見的產品。對於產品Cassina 總有獨到的鑑賞力,即使細節處也不會輕忽。舉凡木料、皮革、以及各種新式頂級材質的選擇。Cassina 的作品是結合各種資源和高度專業下的成果。回顧 Cassina 已推出的作品可以發現,作品的設計理念非常多元,有些作品彼此的設計風格甚至是對立的….為了製作出最優良的傢俱,Cassina 公司投入高度智慧和勇氣,並積極取得 20世紀最知名的建築大師的作品的再製作權。這的確是一件需要勇氣和充滿挑戰的工作,但 Cassina 終究還是達成了。

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由荷蘭移民工匠"Siebe Baker"1890年創立的《Baker》家具,自創立以來即結合了純熟的手工製作與濃厚的人文風情,馬上造成家具界的一股炫風。尤其他對於傳統手工做法的重視再加上對於材質挑選毫不妥協的態度對細節的處理更是其他家具品牌難以超越的細膩因此製作兼具古典造型但又富含功能性的各式產品,均受到消費者的廣大喜愛。在過去五、六十年中,Baker受到美國歷任總統的親睞,尤其是古典系列更是等同白宮傢俱的代名詞。以下摘錄一些經典的Baker沙發供好朋友們欣賞!!

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Bao,Design: EOOS, Walter Knoll

Spacious and round. It’s the curves that make Bao appealing on first sight. A sumptuous sculpture with an artistic back. In the style of a leather ball, the leather patchwork forms the rear. Flowing lines – sweeping and elegant. The swivelling armchair combines the materials whilst keeping them distinct: leather on the back, fabric in the seat. Everything has its place. Bao – as familiar as a welcoming embrace.   © Walter Knoll

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精品名牌早已成為義大利這個熱情國家的代名詞,除了皮包皮鞋等皮件以外每天身體最直接碰觸到的傢具也是義大利精品的兵家必爭之地 MinottiB&BNatuzziFendi CASA 等國際性精品傢俱品牌品牌傢俱和名牌包一樣講究做工細緻及設計概念、完善的保固同樣有著品牌的不朽經典款與每年和設計師激盪出新火花的設計師款設計風格與材質用料、實用性及搭配擴充,追求完美的程度有過之而無不及。

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Jesse sofa, naturally design

The Jesse collection: concrete projects and personal affinities, complete solutions and individual emotions. Interpretation of the contemporary home between systems, accessories and upholstery: original ideas for each style and each situation. From the living room to the bedroom, complete and consistent supply of furniture, inspired by the greatest variety. An aesthetic of infinite possibilities, modeled on. Armchair with wooden frame shaped, Cindy seat and back upholstered in fabric, leather or imitation leather. Finish: tobacco oak, dark oak, ash, open pore. Lyl is a chair with hardwood frame. Seat and back in veneered plywood covered with leather or imitation leather. Finish: dark oak, walnut. Arthur is a sofa with removable fabric or leather, with seams corded edges. Dimension: cm L 200/300 x d 100 x H 81. Sofa Martin, Corinna fabrics, cushions covered with brown leather and fabric Costanza 06 and 09. Brown Leather Chaise longue

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When the design. Artistic and technical aspects of Design

Often the term design is used to define a quality product or refined aesthetic personality. In truth, this use of the word design has brought a lot of confusion around the definition of design itself, as is often called design no longer the world of industrial design, but only a limited category of artifacts belonging to a category defined more appropriately by the term sophisticated design or the circle of branded products often of very high quality. In this situation, the term is no longer define either primary meanings, as design is to define any of the products of industrial design, ol 'design operation. The "fault" can be attributed mainly to cases such as the made in Italy with its strong commitment to quality and remarkable good taste that brought in Italy and around the world wrapped in high-end design aesthetic quality and productivity.

Ycami was born in 1990. The solid structure and the experience gained over time Ycami allow staff to respond to any technical requirements, developing efficient solutions and results-oriented performance given a more "global" that involves every area of ​​living. Thanks to an ever-evolving technology and ongoing research on the use and processing of this material, Ycami enriched his expressive range with excellent products using the versatility of aluminum to achieve not only the soul of an object but turn it into product, enhanced by a design that takes advantage of practicality and beauty. Ycami thus becomes a real workshop in which designers from different backgrounds and extraction, develop ideas ranging from contract to home. Projects are screened and when it is satisfied that all criteria are compatible with its corporate can start the process leading to the industrial production of concrete product. 

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Armchairs : between leisure and relaxation

Innovative materials and technologies in machining, specific colors and patterns: these are the distinctive features that make the chair a piece of furniture that can characterize the personality with the porch of our homes. In the selection of the chair should keep in mind that will fit harmoniously into the living room: Investments will make it plain so easily adaptable to any environment, but the size, which should be contained but not too small, will ensure the desired comfort . But the chair should especially ensure maximum comfort when we welcome after the hectic pace of the day. Just like the couch is synonymous with fitness and relaxation, it is intended for individual use and "private." Seat and back, then, must offer our bodies the ideal support for the observance.  It rushes bold and brave with his eyes bright. It is Polyphemus, the new chair sculpture designed by Simone Micheli for Adrenalina. A magical and evocative name, which brings to mind the terrifying character of Homer, in this case only eccentric traveling companion. An unusual assemblage of form and matter are one session of Polyphemus unusual but expressive, a pet totem that stands as a monument to the imagination, halfway between comfort and fun. The structure is steel and polyurethane foam, fabric melange mustard. The eye is composed of a LED battery powered. 
Thought flies free and designed new forms in the living space. Curves, supple lines, soft colors, fun chairs, comfortable and bizarre. Thus was born Softdream, thought form that becomes a product line of Rossi signed Albizzate.

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Flexform一個具有百年歷史的傳統家族,以其製造高品質的傢俱而聞名。在過去的半世紀以來,Flexform 已是家瑜戶曉的視界頂級傢俱品牌,同時也在近 20 年裡,Flexform 更積極開發出新的產品線 (衍生出另一個品牌Flexform Mood) 和款式,以及向上提升產品的品質,使得該品牌在義大利傢俱設計歷史上,具有舉足輕重的地位。Flexform 挾著本身的生產技術與各代的設計大師積極合作,在與設計師完美的合作之下,成功開發出許多讓人讚嘆的傢俱產品,這也讓 Flexform 贏得「世界上最舒服的沙發」的美譽。Flexform是義大利大設計的同義詞。今天依靠安東尼奧 .奇特裏奧(Antonio Citterio)的才華展開了新的一頁。其創意應用於寬坐椅和大沙發的設計:由許多獨立的或是可組合的元素結合在一起組成的一個個柔軟的小島。

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